Just A Dream...

Posted by
Jeff & Pat (Pembroke Dock, ! Wales !, United Kingdom) on 2 October 2013 in Landscape & Rural.

We've always fancied the house on the point, maybe one day...Tomorrow i'll put on a closer shot, and then you might understand.

ursulakatariina from Ed, Sweden

Looks like a very nice place for a house. Can't wait to see the closer shot...

2 Oct 2013 7:26am

@ursulakatariina: Only one thing against it, it's a long walk to the nearest pub .

grouser from Ludlow, United Kingdom

I already do Jeff Boy....a dock of your own :)

2 Oct 2013 9:58am

@grouser: You've nailed it Grouse. ;>)

Jason Politte from Conway, AR, United States

I love those lines that the water has etched into the stone. Neat shot, Jeff - looks like a nice house there too. :-)

2 Oct 2013 10:51am

@Jason Politte: That's not stone mate, it's rich glutinous mud, full of cockles, shellfish and other lovely things beloved of Bass and Plaice, so get your rod and tackle out cause i'm going fishing.

Ainsley from Derbyshire, United Kingdom

It's great to have dreams like this, i too have a dream to one day own a stone built detached home with a view that makes you never want to die, I think it's a great measuring stick of how your doing. Maybe achieving the dream is never really as good as actually wanting it. Hope we both find out!

2 Oct 2013 11:00am

@Ainsley: Set your mind to it and make it work your young enough, i'm afraid the Lotto is the only way mine will happen, so i'll have to have a smaller dream...A new camera, perhaps ???. ;>))

Judy aka L@dybug from Brooksville, FL, United States

Anticipation is a wonderful thing ... and this location is well worth dreaming about. I like the way it's nestled in among the trees, yet maintains a lovely view. Looking forward to tomorrow's image.

2 Oct 2013 11:23am

@Judy aka L@dybug: Good for boating and fishing, with lots of photo possibilities, perfect for an old dreamer like me . ;>)

Gaffey Photography from Massachusetts, United States

A really nice and calm scene.

2 Oct 2013 11:27am

@Gaffey Photography: Thanks for the visit and comment, much appreciated. ;>)

Shiva from Berwick, Canada

I can see the "why" you fancy this house - its beautifully situated ...... I think dreaming keeps us (the slightly older generation) young - -- Imagine - you might win a Million or two tomorrow ............
On this note have a wonderful evening in your own comfortable home - kindest regards to you both MOnika

2 Oct 2013 1:22pm

@Shiva: Like the man said "The grass is always greener, etc etc etc ", if our numbers come up on the Lotto we're going on an Am3 world tour, so get your Sunday best on, your door is one we'll be knocking on...See you soon !!. ;>))

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

Would be lovely, you could play on the river all day

2 Oct 2013 3:13pm

@Alun: Yes Please !!!!.

Doug from Burnham-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Don't ever let your dreams sail away Jeff. I hope you get that win, that'll be the week after me of course ;-))

2 Oct 2013 8:14pm

@Doug: I wouldn't mind sharing the win with you mate, there's plenty for the two of us and i'm sure the Ladies would be happy with a couple of M&S vouchers . ;>))

CElliottUK from Reading, United Kingdom

It does look lovely. Done the lotto yet this week?

2 Oct 2013 10:59pm

@CElliottUK: Doing it tomorrow if I can squeeze a couple of quid out of the communal purse .

Vaido from Võrumaa, Estonia

A beautiful dream, I see :)

3 Oct 2013 3:24pm

@Vaido: My dream are always beautiful, I don't do nightmares. ;>))

John Jungklaus from Chase Mills, NY, United States

wow Absolutely beautiful !! A nice shot too !!

4 Oct 2013 1:43pm

@John Jungklaus: Many thanks young Sir . ;>)